190 research outputs found

    A Focused Study on Sequence Length for Dialogue Summarization

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    Output length is critical to dialogue summarization systems. The dialogue summary length is determined by multiple factors, including dialogue complexity, summary objective, and personal preferences. In this work, we approach dialogue summary length from three perspectives. First, we analyze the length differences between existing models' outputs and the corresponding human references and find that summarization models tend to produce more verbose summaries due to their pretraining objectives. Second, we identify salient features for summary length prediction by comparing different model settings. Third, we experiment with a length-aware summarizer and show notable improvement on existing models if summary length can be well incorporated. Analysis and experiments are conducted on popular DialogSum and SAMSum datasets to validate our findings.Comment: Preprint version - ICASSP submissio

    MeaeQ: Mount Model Extraction Attacks with Efficient Queries

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    We study model extraction attacks in natural language processing (NLP) where attackers aim to steal victim models by repeatedly querying the open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Recent works focus on limited-query budget settings and adopt random sampling or active learning-based sampling strategies on publicly available, unannotated data sources. However, these methods often result in selected queries that lack task relevance and data diversity, leading to limited success in achieving satisfactory results with low query costs. In this paper, we propose MeaeQ (Model extraction attack with efficient Queries), a straightforward yet effective method to address these issues. Specifically, we initially utilize a zero-shot sequence inference classifier, combined with API service information, to filter task-relevant data from a public text corpus instead of a problem domain-specific dataset. Furthermore, we employ a clustering-based data reduction technique to obtain representative data as queries for the attack. Extensive experiments conducted on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that MeaeQ achieves higher functional similarity to the victim model than baselines while requiring fewer queries. Our code is available at https://github.com/C-W-D/MeaeQ.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 2023 main conferenc

    An Overview on Language Models: Recent Developments and Outlook

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    Language modeling studies the probability distributions over strings of texts. It is one of the most fundamental tasks in natural language processing (NLP). It has been widely used in text generation, speech recognition, machine translation, etc. Conventional language models (CLMs) aim to predict the probability of linguistic sequences in a causal manner. In contrast, pre-trained language models (PLMs) cover broader concepts and can be used in both causal sequential modeling and fine-tuning for downstream applications. PLMs have their own training paradigms (usually self-supervised) and serve as foundation models in modern NLP systems. This overview paper provides an introduction to both CLMs and PLMs from five aspects, i.e., linguistic units, structures, training methods, evaluation methods, and applications. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between CLMs and PLMs and shed light on the future directions of language modeling in the pre-trained era

    Mixture theory-based SPH model for submerged landslide

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    A novel SPH model aimed at solving the coupled water-soil problems is proposed based on the mixture theory. This method is featured with the spatially overlapped dual continua for both fluid and solid phases. The water phase is modeled as a weakly-compressible Newtonian fluid, and the soil phase is modeled using an elastoplastic constitutive model. The benchmark problem, fully submerged soil subjected to gravity, is examined to validate this SPH model. Finally, a submerged landslide is simulated to demonstrate the capability of the proposed SPH model in solving the dynamic soil–water coupling problems

    Simple One-Pot Synthesis of Hexagonal ZnO Nanoplates as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Hexagonal ZnO nanoplates were synthesized via simple one-pot hydrothermal reaction of Zn(CH3COO)2 and CO(NH2)2. XRD, SEM, and HRTEM were used to investigate the composition and microstructure of the material. Together with the facile strain relaxation during structure and volume change upon cycling, this plate-like structure of ZnO is favorable for physical and chemical interactions with lithium ions because of its large contact area with the electrolyte, providing more active sites and short diffusion distances. The resulting hexagonal ZnO nanoplates electrode exhibited good cyclability and delivered a reversible discharge capacity of 368 mAh g−1 after 100 cycles at 0.1 C

    Bias and Fairness in Chatbots: An Overview

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    Chatbots have been studied for more than half a century. With the rapid development of natural language processing (NLP) technologies in recent years, chatbots using large language models (LLMs) have received much attention nowadays. Compared with traditional ones, modern chatbots are more powerful and have been used in real-world applications. There are however, bias and fairness concerns in modern chatbot design. Due to the huge amounts of training data, extremely large model sizes, and lack of interpretability, bias mitigation and fairness preservation of modern chatbots are challenging. Thus, a comprehensive overview on bias and fairness in chatbot systems is given in this paper. The history of chatbots and their categories are first reviewed. Then, bias sources and potential harms in applications are analyzed. Considerations in designing fair and unbiased chatbot systems are examined. Finally, future research directions are discussed

    Towards Understanding Third-party Library Dependency in C/C++ Ecosystem

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    Third-party libraries (TPLs) are frequently reused in software to reduce development cost and the time to market. However, external library dependencies may introduce vulnerabilities into host applications. The issue of library dependency has received considerable critical attention. Many package managers, such as Maven, Pip, and NPM, are proposed to manage TPLs. Moreover, a significant amount of effort has been put into studying dependencies in language ecosystems like Java, Python, and JavaScript except C/C++. Due to the lack of a unified package manager for C/C++, existing research has only few understanding of TPL dependencies in the C/C++ ecosystem, especially at large scale. Towards understanding TPL dependencies in the C/C++ecosystem, we collect existing TPL databases, package management tools, and dependency detection tools, summarize the dependency patterns of C/C++ projects, and construct a comprehensive and precise C/C++ dependency detector. Using our detector, we extract dependencies from a large-scale database containing 24K C/C++ repositories from GitHub. Based on the extracted dependencies, we provide the results and findings of an empirical study, which aims at understanding the characteristics of the TPL dependencies. We further discuss the implications to manage dependency for C/C++ and the future research directions for software engineering researchers and developers in fields of library development, software composition analysis, and C/C++package manager.Comment: ASE 202

    Detect Depression from Social Networks with Sentiment Knowledge Sharing

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    Social network plays an important role in propagating people's viewpoints, emotions, thoughts, and fears. Notably, following lockdown periods during the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of depression has garnered increasing attention, with a significant portion of individuals resorting to social networks as an outlet for expressing emotions. Using deep learning techniques to discern potential signs of depression from social network messages facilitates the early identification of mental health conditions. Current efforts in detecting depression through social networks typically rely solely on analyzing the textual content, overlooking other potential information. In this work, we conduct a thorough investigation that unveils a strong correlation between depression and negative emotional states. The integration of such associations as external knowledge can provide valuable insights for detecting depression. Accordingly, we propose a multi-task training framework, DeSK, which utilizes shared sentiment knowledge to enhance the efficacy of depression detection. Experiments conducted on both Chinese and English datasets demonstrate the cross-lingual effectiveness of DeSK